Delivery : +30 216 0709962

Phone Delivery: Monday ‑ Friday: 12:00 ‑ 16:00
Wolt Delivery: Monday ‑ Sunday : 8:00 ‑ 20:00


Please inform us if you are allergic to any food items before you order. We cannot guarantee the absence of allergens in our dishes, as they are produced in a kitchen that contains allergens.

Consuming food cooked less than well-done may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses, particularly for those who are elderly, pregnant or anyone with a weaker immune system.

We use extra virgin olive oil in our salads and sunflower oil for frying.

❅ frozen product

Food Service Controller: John Trialonis.

Prices are final with all legal charges included.

Consumer is not obliged to pay if the notice of payment (receipt) has not been received.

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